Sunday, January 23, 2011

Heart Racing With Honey

With closed fist
Hand covering and protecting
I still can't save myself from all the hits
All the hits you gave
Sometimes I believe that my face would change over time
Due to all the hits it gets from people
Can't people aim properly?
Try to hit things other than my face!
My poor poor face

Okay enough about my vanity
Anyone who is close to me would know
My aversion towards holidays
I can't have that much holidays
As in if I have nothing planned during holidays I would seriously hate it
I hate not doing anything
Just staying static at one place
Gaah, for realz man
I can only last one day tops
And recently I had a 4day holiday(still in it)
I rarely went out
Oh my god, I think I am going to die from boredom
I am so going to make next week pact with activities

I may be happy and blissfully content these few days
Yet I can't help but feel disheartened with certain things
I know we should talk
But I am really not sure if I am personally ready for it
Should we talk?


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