Ben Harper is a musical genius!
Him and Jack Johnson!
My god!
They are LOVE!
I now know why they love to perform together :D
The day I find a guy who can sing to me like Ben Harper or Jack Johnson
I'll be the happiest! :)))
I love it when I can find songs that could really describe how I feel at the moment
And this song describes my feelings perfectly right now
All mellow and depressed
As I always am
Someone said I was mysterious and hard to read
Is it?
I don't think so?
I perceive myself as an open book
If you know my quirks you could easily read me
On another note
It just dawned on me
That all that someone said before this wasn't actually directed to me
And I all this while was all perasan and thought it was me
Next time I won't assume anything unless anyone tells me straight
I am learning not to read much into peoples actions and ignore people
And I hate impatient guys
Can't guys learn how to control themselves?
I may be easy to hang out with
But I am not easy to get with
I kind of hate the idea of being tied down to one person
Especially after what happened the last time around
I'm not into this guys leaving me thing
Why risk it ay?
Alright kiddies
Lets go smoke a storm!
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