Sunday, August 15, 2010

Light Headed Mess.

You just want to know how I am
You don't want me
You don't want what we used to have
And that hurts most of the time
The rest of the time is just plain numbness

I am scared
Scared of moving on from you
I am scared that there is no more chance
For us
There are others out there who would want me to move on
But I am just scared
This morning I cried a bit
Realizing the cold hard facts that you don't want me

He makes it better
Talking to him distracts me from this pain and numbness
He doesn't know the extent of how you affected me
But he is there
Unlike you
I wish you were here
But I'll take whatever that is offered to me
I am sure you moved on
So why do I feel guilty?
Why do I feel I shouldn't move on and wait for you?

I am so confused
This is a mess
I want to smoke
But everyone doesn't allow me
Fuck you all
I'll smoke later

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