Sunday, August 1, 2010

We Are All Alone

I was recently reading an article about decoding what guys really mean when the say certain statements
For example 'you are too good for me' means he wants to break up with you
He is just buttering you up so he would avoid confrontation
And 'you deserve someone better' also means he wants out from the relationship
All I could think when I was reading it was
'Nice, thanks mr.whoeverwrotethisarticle your a few months too late. I kind of figured that out when he dumped my sorry ass'

I don't understand certain people
They expect me to go to them all the time
I have to initiate contact and all
I have to ask for something from them
But they won't or avoid altogether to find or initiate contact with me
It is kind of discouraging
Not kind of more like it is discouraging
If you want me just say it
If you want anything from me just say it
It's not that hard

When K and my sis was feeding me recently
They kept saying who do you hate
Just punch the shit out of 'em
I just realize i've changed
Cause I might say mean things, but I don't hate anyone
My anger last just for a short while

Ciggies makes me happy
Alcohol makes me happy
Goodstuff makes me happy
You make me happy
Since you don't want me, I'll just stick to the rest
Salute kiddies

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