Saturday, August 7, 2010

Delusion Clouded Mind and Bruised Body

This song is dedicated to a certain friend(not anymore) of mine
I was moving on with your help
But then you disappeared
You got me out of my tracks
You got me one step forward three steps backwards
Now I am at the starting point
Losing love, losing friends

In life, nothing sticks around
Your 'love' leaves you
Your apparently 'bestfriend' leaves you
Your family member leaves you
All you got is yourself

I love my bruised body
Equilibrium can never be so perfect
The pain, the bruises, the blood
So perfect to reflect the inner pain
I love it

You got me on my knees, shackled and chained
And all I want to do is forget the past and pain you inflict on me
WOWZA stop being so emotional and poetic qis

Time for more pain (:

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