Tuesday, December 8, 2009


The photo above is an old ad that I thought was kind of funny. I haven't blogged in the longest time. Haha. Told you I suck at maitaining this blogging thing. I finally settled on my majoring and I am getting used to it. Kind of. I have an assignment due tomorrow, but I have no clue on how to start it or how to write it. Its 10page long. So yeah. I am such a procastinator. I wish I wasn't though. I don't know why. I feel like I am in a rut. In a stagnant? Is that the word? In a stable, content but not that exhilirating place in my life now. It all just feels routine. Getting up, texting someone to touch base. Then going on with my student life. Constantly texting someone. That person has now become my comfort person, a.k.a my comfort zone. But I don't know. I need to party or go out drinking til I am wasted I guess to get out of this feeling. So, to anyone who wants to party or etc. Please contact me :d . I would love to do so. P.s. Bee, butt out of this. Thank you. Salute people! (:

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