Monday, October 25, 2010

Tired Tired Soul. Let Me Rest In Peace.

I am tired of waiting things out
I am just letting things go with the flow
It's like suddenly I do not have the urge to fight anymore
The urge to pursue anyone or anything
If someone wants me or anything from me
They have to come to me
I am just. Exhausted

We can pretend that he/she cares
We can pretend that there is a future for us
We can pretend that we would be fine
But in reality
Nothing would happen if we don't work for it
Nothing would work if we don't have the urge for it

Someone punched my hand,
Or I think I bumped into something
Now it's bruised D:
What a tiring holiday
Sorry I mean, what a tiring year

So much has happen from this date last year
Tired tired soul, close your eyes and rest with me

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