Friday, September 3, 2010

I Want To Fly Like A Kite.

Someone told me that each boy that enters your life for romance purposes would teach you a lesson in life
Even though you are devastated and he isn't
It is irrelevant
I looked back in my life
And realized how naive I was or am
I thought I would be immune to this love matters
But apparently not

I learned I shouldn't judge someone by their exterior
I learned that even if someone is nice they could still break your heart
I learned that I have to be more patience with everything
I learned that everyone won't stick around in your life for long
I learned that 'i love you' would never be enough
I learned that for others it is better to not wait anymore, but I prefer to wait
I learned that it is better not to fight over petty things
I learned that I shouldn't change someone to suit my need but to accept for who they are
Basically I learned a lot for my meager experience
Some call it baggage, I call it lesson in life

Okay on another note
Tomorrow is the big day!
Ho my! So excited! :D
Hope nothing goes wrong
I might need to do a celebratory or depressing dinner after it
After this can smoke back
Damn I need some ciggies!

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