Friday, July 16, 2010

Life Stops For A Second When I Close My Eyes.

This song has no relations to this post
Its just a nice song by Ronan Keating
Although albeit random, its still a good song (:

Have you ever felt that life seize to exist, the world seize to exist
For a second when you close your eyes?
The feeling as if nothing else matters
Assignments, legal responsibilities, family problems, fading friendships
Everything just fades behind to nothingness
Ever felt that way?
Lately I get that feeling often

Someone once asked about a political situation randomly
All I could think of was,
'Yes, our living situation might change
Or be affected by change of governing parties,
However, honestly, when it boils down
Politics, is just a mere distraction us human use
To distract us from what really is important in life
Our family, friends, ourselves and god'

Recently, many have told me that I am depressed
Its getting slightly annoying
Yet it doesn't bother me
I know that I am not
Think what you want
But I know who I am
What I feel
Who are these people to tell me what I am not feeling?
You might be close to me (or use to)
But you would never know how I really feel on something

Another day, another nothingness
Another week of being in a midst of black and white
I can't wait for this hectic situation to end
I am so tired of all of this
Tired of being busy
Tired of work
Tired of being left behind by others
Tired of being ignored
Just. Tired.

Life as it is, is meaningless without purpose
To which I have yet to find

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